Black Crawling Systems Archive Release 1.0
Black Crawling Systems Archive Release 1.0 (L0pht Heavy Industries, Inc.)(1997).ISO
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Text File
739 lines
From the Radio Free Michigan archives
If you have any other files you'd like to contribute, e-mail them to
This is a listing of newspapers, magazines, TV stations and other media
outlets that accept electronic submissions.
NOTES ON USING THIS LIST: If you want a publication to print your letter,
include your postal address and phone number for verification purposes.
Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, Little Rock news@arkdg.com
Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Specify in message whom message for gpph16a@prodigy.com
The Baltimore Sun
To reach reporters or comment
on the paper (NO letters to the
editor or subscription requests) baltsun@clark.net
Boston Globe
Story Ideas news@globe.com
Circulation Requests circulation@globe.com
Letters to the Editor letter@globe.com
Submissions to "Voxbox" column voxbox@globe.com
Comments on Coverage/Ombudsman ombud@globe.com
"Ask the Globe" ask@globe.com
Thursday Calendar Section list@globe.com
Health & Science Section howwhy@globe.com
Confidential Chat chat@globe.com
City Weekly Section ciweek@globe.com
Real Estate section lots@globe.com
Religion Editor religion@globe.com
Arts Editor arts@globe.com
"Plugged In" plugged@globe.com
Boston Herald
Political comments heraldpol@delphi.com
Other op-ed comments heraldedit@delphi.com
Champaign-Urbana (Ill.) News-Gazette
Comments on local news only gazette@prairienet.org
Chicago Tribune tribletter@aol.com
Chronicle-Telegram, Elyria, Ohio macroncl@freenet.lorain.oberlin.edu
The Columbus (Ohio) Dispatch crow@cd.columbus.oh.us
Letters to the editor letters@cd.columbus.oh.us
Contra Costa County Times, Calif.
Letters to the editor cctletrs@netcom.com
Corvallis (Ore.) Gazette-Times 74250.2373@compuserve.com
Daily Citizen, Washington, D.C. ben@essential.org
The Daily Telegraph, London editor@telegraph.co.uk
Dallas (Texas) Morning News 74774.2236@compuserve.com
Des Moines Register dsmreg@delphi.com or
Flint (Mich.) Journal fj@flintj.com
Gazeta Wyborcza, Poland gawyb@ikp.atm.com.pl
The Guardian, U.K. letters@guardian.co.uk
"Notes and Queries" nandq@guardian.co.uk
Computer Page computerg@guardian.co.uk
"Online" online@guardian.co.uk
The Independent, U.K.
Computer Page comppage@independent.co.uk
International Herald-Tribune iht@eurokom.ie
Irish Times computimes@irish-times.ie
Jerusalem (Israel) Post jpost@zeus.datasrv.co.il
Journal American, Bellevue, Wash. jaedit@aol.com
Journal Newspapers, D.C. area thejournal@aol.com
The Knoxville (Tenn.) News-Sentinel
Newsroom kns-news@use.usit.net
Letters kns-letters-to-editor@use.usit.net
Middlesex News, Framingham, Mass. mnews@world.std.com
Minneapolis Star Tribune
Letters to the editor opinion@startribune.com
Minnesota politics feedback, etc. politics@startribune.com
Morgenbladet, Oslo, Norway truls@telepost.no
Morning Journal, Lorain, Ohio mamjornl@freenet.lorain.oberlin.edu
The Morning of Russia (Utro Rossii) utro@belik.msk.su
The Namibian, Windhoek, Namibia tom@namibian.com.na
Norwich (Conn.) Bulletin norbull@aol.com
The Olympian, Olympia, Wash. olympian@halcyon.com
Philadelphia Inquirer
Editorial page editpage@aol.com
Phoenix Gazette - NO press releases phxgazette@aol.com
Portland Oregonian oreeditors@aol.com
Prague Post 100120.361@compuserve.com
Reno (Nev.) Gazette-Journal rgj@libcom.dps.com
Sacramento Bee
Letters, op-ed pieces sacbedit@netcom.com
St. Petersburg (Fla.) Times 73174.3344@compuserve.com
Salt Lake Tribune, Salt Lake City the.editors@sltrib.com
San Francisco Examiner sfexaminer@aol.com
San Jose Mercury-News
General sjmercury@aol.com
Letters to the editor letters@aol.com
Santa Cruz County (Calif.) Sentinel
Letters to the editor sented@cruzio.com
News desk sentcity@cruzio.com
Seattle Times
Op-Ed opinion@seatimes.com
Personal Technology ptech@seatimes.com
pringfield (Mo.) News-Leader
Letters to the editor nleditor@ozarks.sgcl.lib.mo.us
Press releases nlnews@ozarks.sgcl.lib.mo.us
Sun-Sentinel, Broward County, Fla.
Grapevine vineeditor@aol.com
Die Tageszeitung, Berlin briefe@taz.de
Tallahassee Democrat letters@freenet.fsu.edu
Toronto Sun
"Page Six" pagesix@aol.com
Tucson (Ariz.) Citizen
Letters to the editor tcnews@aol.com
USA Today
Letters to the editor usatoday@clark.net
Vancouver (Wash.) Columbian vanpaper@aol.com
Winnipeg Free Press, Winnipeg, Man.
News tips city_desk@freepress.mb.ca
Library library@freepress.mb.ca
Letters to the editor letters@freepress.mb.ca
Computer Columnist pihichyn@freepress.mb.ca
Computer Editor minkin@freepress.mb.ca
Austin (Texas) Chronicle xephyr@bga.com
Bay Windows, Boston baywindo@world.std.com
Boston Phoenix 71632.63@compuserve.com
Channel, Point Richmond, Calif channel@calon.com
CityPages, Minneapolis citypages@igc.apc.org.
City Sun, New York, N.Y.
Computer column sysop@f206.n278.z1.fidonet.org
Eye, Toronto eye@io.org
Hill Times, Ottawa hilltimes@freenet.carleton.ca
Icon, Iowa City icon@igc.apc.org
The Irish Emigrant
For sample of printed edition connell@world.std.com
For a sample e-mail issue ferrie@iol.ie
LA Weekly laweekly@aol.com
Los Gatos (Calif.) Weekly-Times lgwt@livewire.com
The Met, Dallas, Texas 74742.1401@compuserve.com
The Mirror, Montreal, Quebec mirror@fc.babylon.montreal.qc.ca
Ottawa X Press xpress@freenet.carleton.ca
NuCity, Albuquerque, N.M. nucity@swcp.com
Palo Alto Weekly, Palo Alto, Calif. paweekly@netcom.com
Ridgefield (Conn.) Press 71052.3315@compuserve.com
The Riverfront Times, St. Louis, Mo. rft@plink.geis.com
The Stranger, Seattle stranger@cyberspace.com
Sunday Times of London
Innovation innovation@delphi.com
Tico Times, Costa Rica ttimes@huracan.cr
Tucson (Ariz.) Weekly
Letters to the Editor ONLY 71632.105@compuserve.com
Twin Cities Reader, Minneapolis sari23@aol.com
The Village Voice, New York, N.Y. voice@echonyc.com
Voir, Montreal voir@babylon.montreal.qc.ca
Washington City Paper washcp@aol.com
Weekly Mail&Guardian, Johannesburg, SA wmail-info@wmail.misanet.org
XS, Broward County, Fla. xsmag@satelnet.org
Algonquin Times, Algonquin College
Nepean, Ontario, Canada times@algonquinc.on.ca
BG News, Bowling Green State U., Ohio bgnews@andy.bgsu.edu
The Bucknellian, Bucknell Univ. bucknellian@bucknell.edu
Cavalier Daily, University of Virgnia cavdaily@virginia.edu
CM-LIFE, Central Michigan Univ.
Letters to the editor cmlife@cmuvm.csv.cmich.edu
Colorado Daily, Boulder, Colo. colorado_daily@onenet-bbs.org
The Cornell American ca-l@cornell.edu
Cornell Daily Sun Cornell.Daily.Sun@cornell.edu
The Daily, Univ. of Washington daily@u.washington.edu
Daily Bruin, UCLA
Viewpoint (op-ed) viewpoint@asucla.ucla.edu
The Daily Northwestern, Evanston, Ill. daily@merle.acns.nwu.edu
Daily Pennsylvanian, Univ. of Penn. dailypenn@a1.relay.upenn.edu
Daily Texan, UT-Austin texan@utxvms.cc.utexas.edu
The Daily Universe, Brigham Young Univ.
Op-ed submissions letters@byu.edu
The Dialogue, Duke Univ. mockg@mail01.adm.duke.edu
Gair Rhydd, Cardiff Univ., Wales gairrhydd@cardiff.ac.uk
GW Hatchet, Geo. Washington Univ. hatchet@gwis.circ.gwu.edu
The Hustler, Vanderbilt Univ. hustler@ctrvax.vanderbilt.edu
The Iowa State Daily daily@iastate.edu
JSU Newsletter, Polytechnic Univ of NY jsu@photon.poly.edu
Kansas State Collegian, Kansas State U. rjohnso@ksu.ksu.edu
Minnesota Daily, U. of Minnesota network@edit.mndly.umn.edu
The Muse, Memorial Univ., Newfoundland muse@morgan.ucs.mun.ca
National College U. Magazine umag@well.sf.ca.us
The Oxford Student, Oxford Univ. theoxstu@sable.ox.ac.uk
The Peak, Univ. of Guelph, Canada peak@uoguelph.ca
Planet Communications, U. of Toronto editor@planet.org
The Post, Ohio Univ. an790791@oak.cats.ohiou.edu
Redbrick, Univ. of Birmingham, UK redbrick@bham.ac.uk
The Reporter, Polytechnic Univ of NY reporter@photon.poly.edu
The Sagebrush, Univ. of Nevada, Reno sgbrush@shadow.scs.unr.edu
The Sewanee Purple, Univ. of the South, purple@seraph1.sewanee.edu
Sewanee, Tenn.
The Shield, Univ. of Southern Indiana janderso.ucs@smtp.usi.edu
The Student Movement, Andrews U., Mich smeditor@andrews.edu
The Tartan, Carnegie-Mellon Univ. tartan@andrew.cmu.edu
The Tech, MIT, Cambridge, Mass.
Letters to the editor letters@the-tech.mit.edu
The Troubadour, Franciscan University,
Steubenville, Ohio 74143.2374@compuserve.com
Washington Square News, NYU nyuwsn@aol.com
Adbusters adbuster@wimsey.com
Advertising Age
Letters to the editor ehbu73a@prodigy.com
Interactive Media & Marketing ywkj04a@prodigy.com
The Advocate
Letters letters@advocate.com
Info-server info@advocate.com
Allure alluremag@aol.com
The American Prospect tap@world.std.com
American Journalism Review
Letters to the editors/queries
(NO PRESS RELEASES) editor@ajr.umd.edu
The American School Board Journal asbj@aol.com
The Annals of Improbable Results air@mit.edu
Arcana david@hslc.org
Area Magazine, Australia pwilken@peg.apc.org
BioScience aibs@gwuvm.gwu.edu
Brown Alumni Monthly, Providence, R.I. bam@brownvm.brown.edu
Budapest Business Journal, Hungary 100263.213@compuserve.com
Business Week bwreader@mgh.com
Chronicle of Higher Education editor@chronicle.merit.edu
Canadian Treasurer, Toronto mcdouga@ecf.utoronto.ca
Submissions for peer review jrudy@cause.colorado.edu
Claustrophobia phobia@bronze.coil.com
Clinical Data Management anneb@delphi.com
Clinical Psychiatry News, Rockville,Md. cpierce@cpcug.org
Classroom Connect, Lancaster, Penn. edit@wentworth.com
Colors, Rome, Italy colors.mag@agora.stm.it
CM Magazine, San Francisco cmmag@aol.com
Daily Pacific Builder, San Francisco dbuilder@aol.com
Delta (Mathematics, physics, chem),
Poland delta@plearn.edu.pl
DePauw Magazine, Greencastle, Ind. mlillich@depauw.edu
Details detailsmag@aol.com
Earth First! Journal earthfirst@igc.apc.org
Electric Shock Treatment, U.K.
(innovative and experimental music) bd1@mm-croy.mottmac.co.uk
Electronic Music Magazine emeditorial@pan.com
The Executive Educator magazine execeduc@aol.com
Family Practice News, Rockville, Md. cpierce@cpcug.org
Final Frontier 72075,516@compuserve.com
Frank Magazine, Ottawa, Ont. ag419@freenet.carleton.ca
Focus, UK focus@gjofuk.demon.co.uk
Focus, Munich, Germany 100335.3131@compuserve.com
Forbes 5096930@mcimail.com
Free Times 71632.165@compuserve.com
Glamour glamourmag@aol.com
Go World ishius@ishius.com
GQ gqmag@aol.com
Head Magazine, U.K. 100344.1203@compuserve.com
Illinois Issues
Letters to the editor ONLY plong@eagle.sangamon.edu
Infowar Review gldneaglpr@aol.com
Inside Media mediaseven@aol.com
InterFace Magazine, Victoria, BC jedi@dataflux.bc.ca
Internal Medicine News, Rockville, Md. cpierce@cpcug.org
Internazionale, Italy r.internazionale@agora.stm.it
Interrace Magazine, Atlanta 73424.1014@compuserve.com
Kurier Chemiczny (Chemical Courier),
Poland kurier@chem.uw.edu.pl
Lambda Book Report, Washington, DC lambdabookreport@his.com
Liberty Issues liberty@prostar.com
Living Marxism, UK lm@camintl.org
Mademoiselle mllemag@aol.com
Media West, W. Vancouver, B.C. shyba@wimsey.com
Medical Laboratory Observer
Letters to the editor editor.mlo@medtechnet.com
Tips & Technlogy tips.mlo@medtechnet.com
Computer Dialog computer.mlo@medtechnet.com
Management management.mlo@medtechnet.com
Midwifery Today & Childbirth Education midwifery@aol.com
MiniWorks miniworks@genie.geis.com
Mondo 2000 mondo@well.com
Mother Jones x@mojones.com
Letters to the editor ms@echonyc.com
Multichannel News higgins@dorsai.dorsai.org
The Nation nation@igc.org
New Church Life david@hslc.org
The New Republic editors@tnr.com
New Scientist, U.K.
U.S. bureau 75310.1661@compuserve.com
"The Last Word" newsc1@stirling.ac.uk
Letters to the editor letters@newsweek.com
"Periscope" ghackett@newsweek.com
NOW Magazine, Toronto news@now.com
Oberlin Alumni Magazine alummag@ocvaxc.cc.oberlin.edu
Ob.Gyn. News, Rockville, Md. cpierce@cpcug.org
One Country, Baha'i International 1country@bic.org
Ottawa (Ont.) Magazine aq060@freenet.carleton.ca
Ottawa (Ont.) Business Magazine aq060@freenet.carleton.ca
OutNOW!, San Jose, Calif. jct@netcom.com
Pediatric News, Rockville, Md. cpierce@cpcug.org
Physicians's Office Laboratories (POL) Advisor
Letters to the editor editor.pol.mlo@medtechnet.com
Problem Solver problem.pol.mlo@medtechnet.com
Playboy edit@playboy.com
Playboy Forum forum@playboy.com
Dear Playboy dearpb@playboy.com
Political Science Quarterly, New York psq123@aol.com
Popular Science 75140.1732@compuserve.com
Postepy Fizyki (Advances in Physics),
Poland postepy@fuw.edu.pl
Private Eye, UK strobes@cix.compulink.co.uk
The Progressive, Madison, Wisc. progmag@igc.apc.org
Real Goods News realgood@well.sf.ca.us
Reason 70703.2152@compuserve.com
Red Pepper, UK redpepper@gn.apc.org
Rolling Stone, New York rollingstone@echonyc.com
Running Wild Magazine, Lincoln, Mass. runwild@world.std.com
St. Charles Countian, Missouri pacmosteve@aol.com
S.F. Examiner Magazine sfxmag@mcimail.com
Security Insider Report p00506@psilink.com
Self comments@self.com
General editorial inquiries science_editors@aaas.org
Letters to the editor science_letters@aaas.org
Manuscript reviews science_reviews@aaas.org
General news science_news@aaas.org
Silueta, Santa Rosa, Calif. silueta@wave.sci.org
Skin & Allergy News, Rockville, Md. cpierce@cpcug.org
Soundprint soundprt@jhuvms.hcf.jhu.edu
Sky & Telescope, Cambridge, Mass. skytel@cfa.harvard.edu
Southwestern Union Record 72734.1717@compuserve.com
Spectrum, New York, N.Y. n.hantman@ieee.org
Der Spiegel, Germany 100064.3164@compuserve.com
Stern, Hamburg, Germany 100125.1305@compuserve.com
3D-Magazin 3d-magazin@stereo.s.bawue.de
Streetsound, New York streetsnd@aol.com
Time timeletter@aol.com
Training Magazine, Minneapolis trainmag@aol.com
Transitions, Univ. of Southern Indiana jwolf.ucs@smtp.usi.edu
U. Magazine umag@well.sf.ca.us or
Ultramarathon Canada an346@freenet.carleton.ca
Urb, Los Angeles urbmag@netcom.com
USA Weekend usaweekend@aol.com
U.S. News and World Report 71154.1006@compuserve.com
Utne Reader editor@utnereader.com
VeloNews, Boulder, Colo. velonews@aol.com
Vibe vibeonline@nyo.com
Video Magazine 75147.1255@compuserve.com
Vogue voguemail@aol.com
Washington Technology technews@access.digex.net
West Countian, Missouri pacmosteve@aol.com
Whole Earth Review wer@well.sf.ca.us
Wired editor@wired.com
Z, Sweden z.mag@zine.se
Zielone Brygady (Green Brigades),
Poland zielbryg@gn.apc.org
Zurnal UP, Palacky University, Czech veselovs@risc.upol.cz
Associated Press
"On the Net" column ONLY
No general messages weise@well.sf.ca.us
Conus Washington/TV Direct conus-dc@clark.net
Cowles/SIMBA Media Daily simba02@aol.com
Croatian Journalists' Association,
Zagreb, "Novinar" Monthly Magazine
Letters to the Editor mario.profaca@public.srce.hr
Greenwire greenwre@apn.com
Katolicka Agencja Informacyjna, Poland kai@ikp.atm.com.pl
Media Page mpage@netcom.com
M2 News Agency, U.K. satnews@cix.compulink.co.uk
National Press Photographers Assn.
NO PRESS RELEASES loundy@plink.geis.com
Newsbytes newsbytes@genie.geis.com
Telecomworldwire, U.K satnews@cix.compulink.co.uk
World Association of Community Radio Broadcasters
Montreal, Quebec amarc@web.apc.org
BBC World Service iac@bbc-ibar.demon.co.uk
"All in a Day" allinaday.cbc@uniboard.synapse.net
"CBC Prime Time News" tvnews@mail.north.net
"Front Page Challenge" front_page_challenge@mindlink.bc.ca
"Open Wide" open@winnipeg.cbc.ca
CBC Radio
"Brave New Waves" bnw@babylon.montreal.qc.ca
"Cross-Country Check-Up" checkup@babylon.montreal.qc.ca
"Definitely Not the Opera" opera@winnipeg.cbc.ca
"Gabereau" gabereau@mindlink.bc.ca
"Marg Meikle - The Answer Lady" marg_meikle@mindlink.bc.ca
"Morningside" morningside@hookup.net
"Real Time" realtime@mindlink.bc.ca
"Sunday Morning" sunmorn@hookup.net
CBC Radio Research Vancouver cbc_radio_research@mindlink.bc.ca
CBC Toronto
"Radio Noon" radio.noon@canrem.com
"Late Show with David Letterman" lateshow@pipeline.com
Channel 500 fitv@aol.com
Global News cnnglobal@aol.com
Requests for coverage cspanprogm@aol.com
Questions during live call-ins cspanguest@aol.com
Viewer services and questions cspanviewr@aol.com
Channel 2, "Rapport," Sweden twonews@basys.svt.se
FilmNet, Europe 70671.1624@compuserve.com
Fox TV foxnet@delphi.com
Fox TV
"Encounters" 74663.3011@compuserve.com
Maine Public TV
"Media Watch" greenman@maine.maine.edu
Monitor Radio, Boston radio@csps.com
Nebraska Educational TV, Lincoln, Neb. etv@unlinfo.unl.edu
Namibian Broadcasting Corporation
Head office marietha@nbc_hq.nbc.com.na
Nexus International Broadcasting Assn.,
Milano, Italy 100020.1013@compuserve.com
Nat'l Alternative Network, Minneapolis nanrev@aol.com
National Public Radio
"Talk of the Nation" totn@npr.org
"Talk of the Nation/Sci.Friday" scifri@aol.com
"Fresh Air" freshair@hslc.org
"Weekend All Things Considered" watc@clark.net
"Weekend Edition/Sunday" wesun@clark.net
"West Coast Live" owner-west_coast_live@netcom.com
"Dateline" dateline@news.nbc.com
"Late Night with Conan O'Brien" conanshow@aol.com
Nightly News nightly@news.nbc.com
"Today" today@news.nbc.com
"TV Nation" tvnatn@aol.com
New England Cable News, Needham, Mass necn@aol.com
Ohio University Public Radio radio@ohiou.edu
Ohio University Public Television tv@ohiou.edu
Polskie Radio Program I, Poland radio1@ikp.atm.com.pl
Polska Telewizja Kablowa, Poland ptk@ikp.atm.com.pl
PBS, "POV" povonline@aol.com
"Radio Graffiti" alan@panix.com
Public Radio International (formerly APR)
"Marketplace" market@usc.edu
Radio Nederland letters@rn-hilversum.nl
Red Sox Radio Network, Boston bosoxradio@aol.com
Rush Limbaugh Show 70277.2502@compuserve.com
Spectrum, Holmdel, N.J. spectrum@overleaf.com
TV Ontario, "The Future" the_future@tvo.org
Voice of America/Worldnet Television
From outside the U.S. letters@voa.gov
From within the U.S. letters-usa@voa.gov
QSL reports, outside U.S. qsl@voa.gov
QSL reports, inside U.S. qsl-usa@voa.gov
Agriculture Today agri@voa.gov
VOA-Europe (English) voa-europe@voa.gov
VOA-Morning Program voa-morning@voa.gov
Community Radio 3CR, Australia
"Careering Arts Australia" vincent@journalism.ss.rmit.oz.au
Radio Havana, Cuba
"DXers Unlimited" radiohc@tinored.cu
CHVC-TV Valemount, B.C. Canada ad274@freenet.unbc.bc.ca
CJLB Radio News, Thunder Bay, Ont. an80386@anon.penet.fi
CJOH-TV, Ottawa, Ont. Can. ab363@freenet.carleton.ca
KARK, Little Rock, Ark. newsfour@aol.com
KFJC, Los Altos, Calif. kfjc-publicity@wiretap.spies.com
KGTV, ABC, San Diego kgtv10@aol.com
KHOU-TV, Houston khou@neosoft.com
KING-AM, Seattle king1090@aol.com
KIRO-AM/FM, Seattle kiro@halcyon.com
KJR-FM, Seattle normg@halcyon.com
KKSF-FM and KDFC-AM/FM, San Francisco
General comments comments@kksf.tbo.com
News releases news@kksf.tbo.com
KOMU-TV, NBC, Columbia, Mo. swoelfel@bigcat.missouri.edu
KOIN, Portland, Ore. koin06A@prodigy.com
KPIX-TV, San Francisco kpix@aol.com
KREV-FM, Minneapolis
General rev105@aol.com
"Moonlight Meditations" lunarev@aol.com
KRON-TV, San Francisco
Gardening segment garden4@aol.com
KUAT-TV, PBS, Tuscon, Ariz. comments@kuat.arizona.edu
KUOW Radio, Seattle kuow@u.washington.edu
KUSP-FM, Santa Cruz, Calif. kusp@cruzio.com
KWMU-FM, St. Louis, Mo. kwmu@umslva.bitnet
KWTV, Oklahoma City tv9@aol.com
KXTV-TV, Sacramento, Calif. kxtv@netcom.com
KYTV, Sprinfield, Mo.
News releases kytvcom@sgcl.lib.mo.us
Editorial comments kytvnews@sgck.lib.mo.us
KZSU, Palo Alto, Calif. releases@kzsu.stanford.edu
W58BR, Washington, DC jdfalk@cais.com
WAGA-TV, Atlanta wagatv@america.net
WBBM-TV, CBS, Chicago wbbmch2@aol.com
WBCN-FM, Boston wbcn104fm@aol.com
WBFO-FM, NPR, Buffalo, N.Y. wbfo@ubvms.cc.buffalo.edu
WBMX-FM, Boston wbmx@aol.com
WBNQ-FM, Bloomington, Ill. radiobn@heartland.bradley.edu
WBOS-FM, Boston wbos@aol.com
WCBS-AM, CBS, New York news88a@prodigy.com
WCVB-TV, Boston, Mass. wcvb@aol.com
WCCO-TV, Minneapolis, Minn. wccotv@mr.net
WCKY-AM, Cincinnati 550wcky@iglou.com
WDCB Radio, Glen Ellyn, Ill. scotwitt@interaccess.com
WEOL-AM, Elyria, Ohio maweol@freenet.lorain.oberlin.edu
WEOS, Geneva, N.Y. weos@hws.bitnet
WEEK-TV, Peoria, Ill. xxweek@heartland.bradley.edu
WFAA-TV, ABC/CNN, Dallas/Ft. Worth
"Computer Corner" only news8@onramp.net
WFIU-FM, Bloomington, Ind.
"Friday Edition" friday@indiana.edu
WFLA-AM, Tampa wfla97b@prodigy.com
WFMJ-TV, Youngstown, Ohio news21a@yfn.ysu.edu
WFNX-FM, Boston wfnxfm@aol.com
WGN-TV, Chicago wgntv@aol.com
WGNO-TV, New Orleans wgnotv@aol.com
WHDH-TV, CBS, Boston 74201.2255@compuserve.com
WHO-AM, Des Moines, Iowa news@who-radio.com
WHTZ-FM, New York z100radio@aol.com
WICB, Ithaca, N.Y. wicb@aol.com
WISC-TV, CBS, Madison, Wisc. wisctv@macc.wisc.edu
WISH-TV, CBS, Indianapolis, Ind. wish08b@prodigy.com
WJBC-AM, Bloomington, Ill. radiobn@heartland.bradley.edu
WKRN-TV, Nashville, Tenn. wkrntv@edge.ercnet.com
WMBR-FM, Cambridge, Mass.
Listener mail wmbr@athena.mit.edu
News/Political Releases wmbr-press@media.mit.edu
WNWV-FM, Elyria, Ohio maweol@freenet.lorain.oberlin.edu
WNYC, "On the Line", New York 76020.560@compuserve.com
WREV-FM, Minneapolis See under KREV-FM
WRKO-AM, Boston wrko@aol.com
WRVO-FM, Oswego, N.Y. wrvo@oswego.edu
WSRN-AM, Cedarville, Ohio wsrn@cedarnet.cedarville.edu
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